Your Voice Matters
Be a part of mental health research
Who We Are
MSU Mental Health Research Connect is a program that seeks to alert community members about research studies that they might be interested in learning more about, hear from community members about what they think mental health research should focus on, and sponsor regular outreach activities that are geared towards both mental health researchers and community members.
Why Join?
Your Contribution Matters
Mental Health Research Connect will alert you to research studies that you might be eligible for. By participating in research, you are contributing to a deeper understanding of mental wellness and to developing more effective ways of improving well-being and care. Research depends on the contributions of the community it serves.
Your Opinion Matters
Mental Health Research Connect gives you the opportunity to share with mental health researchers what you think is most important. By participating, your voice will be heard by researchers, and you can have an impact on the work they do. We also ask you to share any accommodations that would make you feel supported in a research study. This information will be shared with researchers and can help create a more inclusive and comfortable research environment for everyone.
Representation Matters
Unfortunately, the people who volunteer for research often do not represent the U.S. population as a whole. That means that we often don’t know whether findings apply to everyone or whether treatments will be equally effective for all people. Mental Health Research Connect seeks to increase diversity among people who get involved in research, so that discoveries can benefit everyone.
Knowledge Matters
Mental Health Research Connect highlights recent findings in mental health research and organizes educational events. By getting involved, you can be engaged in the sharing of knowledge and in helping to spread more accurate information in order to fight the stigma surrounding mental illness.
Who Can Join?
Any adult over the age of 18 can join Mental Health Research Connect—whether you have experienced mental health challenges yourself, have a loved one who struggles with their mental health, or just want to get involved. All are welcome to join.
Getting Started
Step 1 – Sign Up
When you click the button below, you will be led to a short survey about you and your mental and physical health. This survey should take 5-10 minutes. You can skip any questions you don’t feel comfortable answering. That’s all it takes to sign up!
Step 2 – Get Contacted
When we find a study that fits you, we will contact you. We will provide you with information about the purpose of the study and contact information for that research team. We will not give any of your information away.
Step 3 – Reach Out to the Study Team
If you choose to contact the research team to learn more about the study, someone from that team will explain the study and what you will be asked to do. They will also make sure you are eligible to participate. It is your choice whether or not to contact the research team to learn more. Here are some questions people commonly have about participating in research studies.
What’s New @ MHRC
Dr. Jason Moser
Biography Dr. Jason Moser is Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Michigan State University. He…
MHRC Inaugural Event
If you missed our event on Monday, May 16th, you can still watch the event…
Corbin J. Standley
Biography Corbin J. Standley is a community psychologist and researcher who has worked with community-based…